Sarah Ridd | Veterinary Therapist | Assessments

Biomechanical Assessment - Equine


Sarah can visit your horse at your yard and provide Biomechanical assessment of your horse, providing a gate analysis of any asymmetries to track lameness and track changes between treatments and prescriptive strength and conditioning.

This is a markerless assessment that is peer-reviewed and used in industry by veterinarians and other paraprofessionals: all you & your horse must do is trot in a straight line to record your horse’s gate - using AI motion analysis to identify possible lameness and asymmetries, which provides a completely objective report of your horse’s stride length.


Sarah Ridd | Veterinary Therapist

Sarah Ridd | Veterinary Therapist

This is helpful to analyse for competitive riders - to monitor the horse’s performance, and to highlight any potential injuries.

This can be shown in real time to the owner/rider and shared with your Farrier or veterinarian.